Still, it is really cool to see a modern app with support back to 10.0 though. MacPilot is an essential utility for serious Mac OSX users, imho. That might help me to better grasp where the value lies. I will have to try it out to understand it better. VLC with a myriad of different audio and video file formats, including DVD, audio CD, and VCD. Then again,each function subcategory could in itself include 10-20 features on its own. Without a doubt VLC is the best media player for the Mac (and for that matter, Windows too). I guess for all my macs (assuming a family license will cover them all) that would put each function at $25.00 which seems steep I think. I can visualize myself using some of the dock modification functions, file tool and browsing functions but again, tough finding the value there. This is the same somewhat outdated model that big cable media companies employ (and are losing market share like crazy because of it) - they will sell you 300 channels when you only really watch say, 10. I see the big opportunity here in evolving their product to a customizable ecosystem (with support back to OSX 10.0) allowing the customer to cherry pick & pay for only the functionality they want. No Mac fan should miss this pre-Black Friday deal Prices subject to change.

Then again, if you put a value on a single tweak, say $0.50, 1200 tweaks would cost $600 bucks. Get a MacPilot Lifetime License for 33.99 (regularly 99) with code SAVE15NOV.

No command line tools or complicated file operations Display hidden files in the Finder, disable the startup chime, add spacers and stacks to the Dock, change the screenshot file format, run maintenance tools, tweak network. It's hard for me to visualize the value I guess. Use MacPilot to unlock over 1,200 features, and access them all with the easy and familiar Macintosh user interface. $75 for a household and 30 bucks per computer.